
costa rica

i lived in south beach for 2 years while studying at miami ad school. i lived on alton road.

to the left of my apartment was the cornerstore where i bought my cigarettes, and the dojo where i practiced tae kwon do. straight ahead of me was my best friends apartment building, and starbucks where i worked, and nu concept video, where my friends worked & where i'd get free obscure movie rentals. on my direct right was my neighbors, and behind them, my school. so everything i needed was right on my same block. including the laundromat, which was straight in front of my building. in fact, looking out the window above my on-the-floor bed, the laundromat's 24 hour yellow glow stared right back at me.

one nite, late late late, a few days before my move to germany, i decided i needed to wash my clothes. my plane was a red-eye. 6 in the A.M. i knew it was an all-nighter kind of nite.

so i went in to wash them, occasionally going back across the street to fold & pack my clean clothes, enjoying frequent cigarette breaks as i do when it's late late late. and as i folded my clothes, i noticed that this cute latino was occupying more than half of the laundromat's dryers with white towels & sheets. he had a long nite ahead of him, too. when i was done folding my clothes, i went over behind him and said "need some help?" it was all over from that moment. he smiled and charmed me with his accent, and we folded his towels & sheets for over an hour. he worked at a hotel, cleaning the linens by nite, and by day he worked construction. making a lot of money. from costa rica. had lived in miami for 2 years now. missed home like crazy.

he offered me a malboro light 100. i remember cause it was the first time i'd ever seen 100's. i was so surprised because they were too long for me to smoke. i got used to it after awhile.

we finished loading his stuff in his construction truck, and he looked at me, and said, "well, are you hungry or what?" of course i was hungry. it was late late late. i'm always hungry. so i hopped in the passenger seat and he took me in to little havana, where there was a small cuban restaurant where you sit outside and order at a window. i shouldn't go to little havana. i'm white. but i was safe with him.

i moved to germany the next day. i knew i would never see him again. but he wrote his e-mail address in my notebook and i found it while in germany. i saw him online one day, before moving BACK to miami. he said, "mia i am moving back to my country." i asked when. he said "tomorrow." i whimpered a little, and he did what i later found out is just like him, he made me a deal. this deal said that if i found a flight a week earlier back from hamburg to miami, then he would delay HIS flight to costa rica so he could see me. on one condition. i'd go with him.

i did.

these are pictures i took, mainly out the window of his truck where he works in costa rica, delivering meat to all the meat shops in the bordering towns of san jose.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are amazing mia!!
i love the lightning ones too!

9:48 AM, August 18, 2006  
Blogger miabella said...

thank you!!

10:33 AM, August 21, 2006  

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